Argyll & Bute, Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 Taxi Fare Review
Notice ID: MFN0655407
Argyll and Bute Council
Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 Taxi Fare Review
Notice is hereby given that there will be the following changes to the maximum fares for taxis operating within the jurisdiction of Argyll and Bute Council following the recent taxi fare review in accordance with Section 17 and 18 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. These maximum fares will become effective from 22 April 2022. The fares will be as follows:-
Tariff 1 Hirings from ranks or "flag" £3.45
Hiring between 7am and 10pm 23 pence
Initial charge (860 yards or part thereof) Subsequent charge (each 176 yards or part thereof)
Tariff 2 Hirings from ranks or "flag" £4.14
Hiring between 10pm and 7am 23 pence
Initial charge (860 yards or part thereof) Subsequent charge (each 150 yards or part thereof)
Tariff 2 also applies to hirings from ranks or "flag" between 6pm and 10pm December 24th, 6pm and 10pm December 31st and between 7am 2nd January andx7am 3rd January
Tariff 3 Hiring from ranks or "flag" between 10pm 24th £4.83
December and 7am 27th December and between 10pm 23 pence 31st December and 7am 2nd January
Initial Charge (860 yards or part thereof) Subsequent Charge (each 120 yards or part thereof)
Soiling Charge - £100 maximum (with permission to display warning signs indicating that there may be an additional charge for any potential loss of earnings suffered as a consequence)
Waiting Time - 40 pence per minute commencement of journey, charged on a pro rata basis per second
Taxi called by means of telephone - 35 pence additional charge
Large Mini-bus type vehicle (carrying 5 or more passengers together at their
own request)-
a) Where Tariff 1 would apply - charge Tariff 2
b) Where Tariff 2 would apply - charge Tariff 3
c) Where Tariff 3 would apply - surcharge £1.15
Fee by negotiation - for all journeys commencing within but
finishing out with Argyll and Bute, in a place of the above charges, such fares may be charged as prior to the acceptance of the hire, were proposed to the hirer and accepted by him/her Ferry Fares - The hirer shall be liable for the cost of a return
Argyll & Bute Council
Argyll and Bute Council
Kilmory , Lochgilphead , Argyll , PA31 8RT 01546 602 127