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(Hardman Street, Blackburn, Compulsary Purchase Order

Notice ID: MFN0647524

Notice effective from
24th February 2022 to 26th March 2022


(HARDMAN STREET, BLACKBURN) COMPULSORY PURCHASE ORDER 2021 The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 The Acquisition of Land Act 1981

1 Notice is hereby given that the Borough of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, in exercise of the powers of the confirming authority under the above Acts, on 17th February 2022 confirmed The Borough of Blackburn with Darwen (Hardman Street, Blackburn) Compulsory Purchase Order 2021 made by it. No objections to the order were received within the permitted period and consequently notification was given by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities that the power to confirm the order may be exercised by the acquiring authority in accordance with section 14A of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981.

2 The order as confirmed provides for the purchase for the purposes of facilitating the carrying out of development redevelopment or improvement on or in relation to the land, comprising the construction of a residential development and any associated works (as part of a wider regeneration scheme), and therefore is likely to contribute to the achievement of the promotion or improvement of the economic, social or environmental well-being of the area.

3 A copy of the order as confirmed by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council and of the map referred to therein have been deposited at One Cathedral Square, Blackburn BB1 1FB and may be seen at all reasonable hours.

4 The order as confirmed becomes operative on the date on which this notice is first published. A person aggrieved by the order may, by application to the High Court within 6 weeks from that date, challenge its validity under section 23 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981. The grounds for challenge can be that the authorisation granted by the order is not empowered to be granted or that there has been a failure to comply with any relevant statutory requirement relating to the order.

5 Once the order has become operative, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council may acquire any of the land described in Schedule 1 below by executing a general vesting declaration under section 4 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981. A statement on the effect of Parts 2 and 3 of that Act is set out in Schedule 2 below.

6 Every person who, if a general vesting declaration were executed under section 4 of that Act in respect of the land comprised in the order (other than land in respect of which notice to treat has been given), would be entitled to claim compensation in respect of any such land, is invited to give information to Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council at One Cathedral Square, Blackburn BB1 1FB for the attention of Mrs. Nicola Fox, Principal Housing Projects Manager about the person's name, address and interest in land, using a prescribed form. The relevant prescribed form is set out in Schedule 3 below.


House numbered 24 Hardman Street, house numbered 26 Hardman Street, garage/workshop adjoining 26 Hardman Street known as "D's Automotive Services", 8.706 square metres of land comprising back alleyway to the rear of properties numbered 22,24,26 and the garage/workshop, and 206.5 square metres of vacant land between the electricity sub-station on Coleridge Street and house numbered 15 Coleridge Street all within Blackburn, Lancashire SCHEDULE 2


ACT 1981

Power to execute a general vesting declaration

1 Once the The Borough of Blackburn with Darwen (Hardman Street, Blackburn) Compulsory Purchase Order 2021 has become operative, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council may acquire any of the land described in Schedule 1 above by executing a general vesting declaration under section 4 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981 ("the Act"). This has the effect, subject to paragraphs 3 and 5 below, of vesting the land in Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council at the end of the period mentioned in paragraph 2 below. Notices concerning general vesting declaration

2 As soon as may be after Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council execute a general vesting declaration, they must serve notice of it on every occupier of any of the land specified in the declaration (except land where there is one of the tenancies described in paragraph 4) and on every person who gives them information relating to the land in pursuance of the invitation contained in the confirmation notice of the order. When the service of notices of the general vesting declaration is completed, a period specified in the declaration, of not less than three months, will begin to run. On the first day after the end of this period the land described in the declaration will, subject to what is said in paragraphs 3 and 5, vest in Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council together with the right to enter on the land and take possession of it. Every person on whom Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council could have served a notice to treat in respect of his interest in the land (other than a tenant under one of the tenancies described in paragraph 4) will be entitled to claim compensation for the acquisition of his interest in the land, with interest on the compensation from the vesting date.

3 The "vesting date" for any land specified in a declaration will be the first day after the end of the period mentioned in paragraph 2 above, unless a counter-notice is served under Schedule A1 to the Act within that period. In such circumstances, the vesting date for the land which is the subject of the counter-notice will be determined in accordance with Schedule A1.

Modifications with respect to certain tenancies

4 In the case of certain tenancies, the position stated above is subject to modifications. The modifications apply where the tenancy is either a "minor tenancy", i.e. a tenancy for a year or a yearly tenancy or a lesser interest, or "a long tenancy which is about to expire". The latter expression means a tenancy granted for an interest greater than a minor tenancy but having on the vesting date a period still to run which is not more than the period specified in the declaration for this purpose (which must be more than a year). In calculating how long a tenancy has still to run, where any option to renew or to terminate it is available to either party, it shall be assumed that the landlord will take every opportunity open to him to terminate the tenancy while the tenant will use every opportunity to retain or renew his interest.

5 The modifications are that Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council may not exercise the right of entry referred to in paragraph 2 in respect of land subject to a tenancy described in paragraph 4 unless they first serve notice to treat in respect of the tenancy and then serve every occupier of the land with a notice of their intention to enter and take possession after the period (not less than three months from the service of the notice) specified in the notice. The right of entry will be exercisable at the end of that period. The vesting of the land will be subject to the tenancy until the end of that period or until the tenancy comes to an end, whichever happens first.



The Borough of Blackburn with Darwen (Hardman Street, Blackburn) Compulsory Purchase Order 2021

To: Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, One Cathedral Square, Blackburn BB1 1FB (for the attention of

Ms. Nicola Fox, Principal Housing Projects Manager)

[I] [We] being [a person] [persons] who, if a general vesting declaration were executed under section 4 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981 in respect of all the land comprised in the compulsory purchase order cited above in respect of which notice to treat has not been given, would be entitled to claim compensation in respect of [all] [part of] that land, give you the following information, pursuant to the provisions of section 15 of, or paragraph 6 of Schedule 1, to the Acquisition of Land Act 1981.

1 Name and address of informant(s) (i)..............................................................................................................

2 Land in which an interest is held by informant(s) (ii) ......................................................................................

3 Nature of interest (iii) ......................................................................................................................................


[on behalf of].....................................................................................................................................................

Date ...................................................................................................................................................................

(i) In the case of a joint interest insert the names and addresses of all the informants.

(ii) The land should be described concisely.

(iii) If the interest is leasehold, the date of commencement and length of term should be given. If the land is subject to a mortgage or other incumbrance, details should be given, e.g. name of building society and roll number.

Date: 24th February 2022

Mr. Asad Laher, Strategic Head of Legal & Governance (Council Solicitor), Blackburn with Darwen Borough

Council, Town Hall, Blackburn, BB1 7DY


MFN0647524.pdf Download

Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council

King William Street , Town Hall , Blackburn , Lancashire , BB1 7DY 01254 585 585


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