Notice ID: MFN0644172
A national highways
THE A64 TRUNK ROAD (TADCASTER BAR) [TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF TRAFFIC) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that National Highways Limited Intends to make an Order on the A64 Trunk Road, in the County of North Yorkshire, to enable carriageway repair works to be carried out in safety. The works are expected to start at 8pm on Monday 7 March 2022 for 6 nights, or until completed.
The effect of the order will be, between 8pm and 6am, at times during the works, to:
(i) close the A64 westbound exit slip road at Tadcaster Bar;
(ii) close the A659 eastbound exit and westbound entry slip roads at Tadcaster Bar;
(iii) close the link road connecting the A659 eastbound and westbound carriageways at Tadcaster Bar;
(iv) close the unsegregated cycle track and footway adjacent to the A64 westbound exit slip road and the A659 westbound entry slip road at Tadcaster Bar; during which cyclists and pedestrians will be escorted through the works; and
(v) close the bus layby adjacent to the A659 westbound entry slip road at Tadcaster Bar.
During the closures suitably signed alternative routes will be available at all times. Traffic signs will indicate the extent of the prohibitions (which will not apply to emergency service vehicles or vehicles being used in connection with the said works, to anyone engaged in the said or for winter maintenance). The Order comes into force on 6 March 2022 and has a maximum duration of 18 months. The contact for any further information about this notice is Clair Galloway, e-mail:
RICHARD FOXTON, National Highways, 2 City Walk, LEEDS LS11 9AR