Notice ID: WAT2314911
Notice is hereby given that Laine Pub Company Limited has applied in respect of The Drum, 557-559 Lea Bridge Road, Leyton, London E10 7EQ for a variation to the premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 to allow for: This is an application to vary the layout and design of the premises in accordance with the submitted plan (dated JAN 11/22). To also amend the permitted hours for the sale of alcohol and to amend the current restrictions on regulated entertainment to permit recorded music, performance of dance and film, as follows; Sunday to Wednesday from 10:00h to 00:00h (current permission for alcohol 08:00h until 00:30h the following morning), Thursday from l0:00h to 00:30h the following morning (current permission for alcohol 08:00h until 00:30h the following morning) and Friday and Saturday from 10:00h to 02:00h the following morning (current permission for alcohol 08:00h until 01:00h the following morning). To permit live music as follows; Sunday to Thursday from 10:00h to 23:00h, Friday and Saturday from 10:00h to 00:00h.On the above days, the closing time to be 30 minutes after the last sale of alcohol. Non standard timings to remain as is for Christmas Eve, Boxing day and New Year's Eve however, to extend the Sunday preceding Bank Holiday Monday to an additional hour. To remove the additional non standard timings for the following; Good Friday, Burns Night- 25 January, Australia Day - 26 January, St David's Day - 1 March, St Patrick's Day - 17 March, St George's Day - 23 April, St Andrew's Day- 30 November. To amend the permission for Late Night refreshment from 23:00 to the terminal hour for close of the premises daily. To add some additional conditions in order to further promote the licensing objectives. A full list of these conditions can be requested by contacting the local authority licensing authority. Representations to this application must be made in writing, by the end of 16th February 2022, to The Licensing Section, 3 The Square, Leyton, London E10 5NR,Tel: 0208 496 3000 Email:
It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with this application. Persons will be liable on summary conviction to on unlimited fine.
TLT Solicitors