Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011
Notice ID:Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011
The benefice of Dipton and Leadgate; the benefice of Christ the King comprising the parishes of Tanfield, Stanley and South Moor, the benefice of Collierley and Annfield Plain and the benefice of Burnopfield in the diocese of Durham The Church Commissioners have prepared a draft Pastoral Church Buildings Scheme for the union of the benefice of Burnopfield and the benefice of Dipton and their constituent parishes in the diocese of Durham, for the parish church of the parish of Burnopfield to be the parish church of the new parish and for the parish church of the parish of St John the Evangelist, Dipton to be declared closed for regular public worship and the consequential amendment to the constituent benefices of the group ministry established in 2012 for the benefice of Dipton, the benefice of Christ the King comprising the parishes of Tanfield, Stanley and South Moor, the benefice of Collierley and Annfield Plain and the benefice of Burnopfield. You may obtain a copy of the draft Scheme from the Church Commissioners’ office in Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ, see it on our website at
or inspect it at at the parish church(es) (or licensed place(s) of worship / chapel(s) of ease, as appropriate) of the parish (all the parishes) of the above mentioned benefice(s). Anyone may make representations either for or against all or any part of the draft Scheme in writing to James Davidson-Brett, Pastoral Division, Church Commissioners, Church House, Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3AZ or by email to
in order to reach him not later than midnight on 17 February 2014. For details of this process see ccpastoral.org/reps or telephone James Davidson-Brett on 0207 898 1687.