Notice is hereby given that Barnard Castle Working Men's Club and Institute Limited has applied to the Licensing Authority at Durham County Council EHCP (Licensing) on 5th March, 2014 for the grant of a premises licence to use the premises of Barnard Castle Working Men's Club and Institute Limited at Main Car Park, off Galgate, Barnard Castle, County Durham, DL12 8JJ for the following licensable activities: 1.For the supply and consumption of alcohol on the premises from Monday to Saturday 11.00 hours to 01.30 hours and Sunday 11.00 to 23.00 hours. 2.For televised Football and other Sporting Events from Monday to Saturday 11.00 hours to 01.30 hours and Sunday 11.00 to 23.00 hours. 3.For the provision of live music Friday and Saturday 19.00 hours to 01.30 hours and Sunday 19.00 hours to 23.00 hours. 4.For the provision of performances of dance Friday and Saturday 19.00 hours to 01.30 hours and Sunday 19.00 hours to 23.00 hours. The register of licensing applications can be inspected at County Hall, Durham. Any person who wishes to make a represention in relation to this application must give notice in wriing to Durham Licensing Authority, Durham County Council, EHCP Licensing, P.O. Box 617, Durham, DH1 9HZ giving in detail the grounds of objection by Thursday 3rd April, 2014. The Licensing Authority must receive representations by the date given above. The Licensing Authority will have regard to any such representations in considering the application. It is an offence under Section 158 of the Licensing Act 2003 to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with this application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for he offence is up to level 5 on the standard scale (£5,000.00)