ACCO Europe Retirement Savings Plan
Notice ID: BRA2013602ACCO Europe Retirement Savings Plan Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925 that the trustee of the ACCO Europe Retirement Savings Plan (the Plan) is intending to distribute the assets of the Plan in accordance with its governing documentation and overriding law. The following individuals are requested to write to: The trustee of the ACCO Europe Retirement Savings Plan, c/o Ian Johns, XPS Pensions Group, 1 Station Hill, Reading, RG1 1NB, on or before 3 May 2021: - any employee or former employee of ACCO UK Limited (formerly ACCO-Rexel Limited, ACCO Europe Limited and ACCO Company Limited), or any other companies within the wider ACCO corporate group, who believes that they were a member of the Plan and who is not already receiving a pension in respect of their membership of the Plan and has not received any correspondence from the Plan trustee within the last 12 months; - any person who believes themselves to be a beneficiary of the Plan as the widow, widower or dependant of a deceased member of the Plan; and - any other person who believes they have a claim against, or an interest in, the Plan. Claimants should provide their full name, address, date of birth, National Insurance number and details of when they were members of the Plan. Claimants need not write if they have received correspondence from the Plan trustee within the last 12 months. After 4 May 2021, the Plan trustee will proceed to deal with the assets of the Plan among the persons entitled to them, having regard only to the claims and interests of which they have prior notice and, in relation to the assets used for such distribution, the Plan trustee will not be liable to any person or persons for a claim of which it does not have notice. ACCO Europe Trustee Company Limited, sole trustee of the ACCO Europe Retirement Savings Plan.