Licensing Act 2003
Notice ID: WAT1872786Notice is hereby given that Tonkotsu Limited has applied in respect of Tonkotsu, 202 Hoe Street, WaJthamstow, London, E17 4BS for the grant of a new premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 to permit the following: To allow recorded music and sale of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises Monday to Wednesday 1130 hours until 2300 hours,Thursday 1130 hours until 0000 hours, Friday and Saturday 1130 hours until 0100 hours the following morning and Sunday 1130 hours until 0000 hours. To allow the provision of late night refreshment Thursday 2300 hours until 0000 hours, Friday and Saturday 2300 hours until 0100 hours the following morning and Sunday 2300 hours until 0000 hours. The opening hours of the premises will be Monday to Wednesday 1100 hours until 2300 hours, Thursday 1100 hours until 0000 hours, Friday and Saturday 1100 hours until 0100 hours the following morning and Sunday 1100 hours until 0000 hours. Representations to this application must be made in writing, by the end of 2 November 2020, to the Licensing Section, London Borough of Waltham Forest Council at Sycamore House, Town Hall, Forest Road, London, El7 4SU where the register of licensing applications can be inspected during office hours and/or at
. It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with this application. Persons will be liable on summary conviction to an unlimited fine.
TLT Solicitors