Premises Licence Application
Notice ID: SUT1870491Notice is hereby given that Bar & Pubs Management Limited has applied in respect of Coach & Horses, Burnhill Road, Beckenham, BR3 3LA for a Variation to the Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 as follows:Variation to the amended plan to enclose area to the rear and front within area permitted for licensable activities. Variation also to add and amend conditions as stated on the operating schedule lodged with the Local Authority. To remove conditions 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14. The operating hours of the premises remain unaltered with these being sale of alcohol on and off the premises Monday to Thursday 1100 hours until 2300 hours, Friday and Saturday 1100 hours until 2330 hours and Sunday 1200 noon until 2230 hours and late night refreshment Friday and Saturday 2300 hours until 2330 hours. The opening hours of the premises also remain unaltered being Monday to Thursday 1100 hours until 2330 hours, Friday and Saturday 1100 hours until 0000 (midnight) and Sunday 1200 noon until 2300 hours. Representations to this application must be made in writing, by the end of 30 October 2020 to London Borough of Bromley Licensing Authority at North Block Civic Centre Stockwell Close BRI 3UH where the register of licensing applications can be inspected during normal office hours and/or
. h is on offence to knowingly or recklessly make a fu/se statement in connection vwtfi this application. Persons will be liable on summary conviction to an unlimited fine. TLT Solicitors
offence to knowingly
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