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North York Moors National Park Authority

Planning Notice

Notice ID: MF0560156

Notice effective from
15th July 2020 to 14th August 2020

Planning Notice NYM/2020/0209/FL, A & D Sturdy Ltd, The Old School, Chestnut Avenue, Thornton-Le-Dale, conversion of former school and outbuilding to 4 no. dwellings with associated amenity spaces, parking, access and landscaping works. The application site is considered to affect the character or appearance of Thornton Dale Conservation Area. The development affects the setting of a Listed Building. NYM/2020/0384/LB, MrAlwyn Dudley-Smith, Hall Farm, Maltongate, Thornton Dale, Listed Building consent for internal alterations, external repointing works, repairing of corrugated iron roofs and replacement pantiles, repair or rebuilding of chimney stacks, refurbishment and painting of windows and doors, installation of cast iron rainwater goods, installation of solar array to outbuilding and reinstatement of gable wall to barn with windows and door. The application site is considered to affect the character or appearance of Thornton le Dale Conservation Area, and the building concerned is a Listed Building. NYM/2020/0412/FL, RW Balderson Ice Cream Ltd, Land at Brook Lane, Thornton le Dale, variation of condition 7 of planning approval NYM/2017/0508/FL to allow the use of uPVC window frames and submission of lighting details to discharge condition 5. The application site is considered to affect the character or appearance of Thornton le Dale Conservation Area.


NYM/2020/0425/FL, Mr J Cook, Burgate Farm, Harwood Dale, erection of agricultural livestock building. The proposed development is considered to affect a Public Right of Way.

The application(s) may be inspected on our website

. Comments can be sent via

email or online form by 5 August 2020.

Mr C M France, North York Moors National Park

Authority, The Old Vicarage, Bondgate, Helmsley, York,

YO62 5BP (


15 July 2020


MF0560156.pdf Download


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