Press Notice
Notice ID:
Press Notice
Licensing Act 2003 Notice of Application for the Variation of a Premises Licence/Club Premises Certificate*
Take notice that on 06/11/2014 we, T & R Wheatley, c/o Wheatlands Lodge Hotel, 75-85 Scarcroft Road, York YO24 1DB, made an application to the City of York Council for the variation of a Premises Licence at the following premises. WHEATLANDS LODGE HOTEL, 75 – 85 SCARCROFT ROAD, YORK YO24 1DB. The Licensing Application Register can be viewed by prior arrangement with City of York Council Licensing Section (Tel: 01904 552512) at Hazel Court, EcoDepot, James Street, York, YO10 3DS between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday. Representations to this application can be made in writing by a responsible authority or any other person to City of York Council Licensing Services, Hazel Court, EcoDepot, James Street, York, YO10 3DS. Representations must be received by no later than 19/12/2014, being within a 28 day period beginning the first day after the application is made. Summary of Proposed Variation(s)/Conditions* We wish to vary our current licence to allow alcohol sold on the premises to be consumed in the outside areas of our business. Only guests either residing at the hotel, or dining at the hotel, will be served alcohol, in accordance with current licence conditions. The outside areas specifically are the rear courtyard situated adjacent to the car parking area, and the front patio and gardens overlooking Scarcroft Road. The front areas in particular are a huge asset to the business and provide a superb environment for our guests to consume food and drinks on the premises. We believe that this facility is a contributing factor to people when potentially making a hotel reservation. It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application for the variation of a premises licence or club premises certificate. A person guilty of such an offence is liable to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale.