Notice ID: MF0549741
WeTesco Stores Limited, Hereby gives notice that it has applied to Eastleigh Borough Council for variation of a premises licence under part 3 of the Licensing Act 2003, as follows: Tesco Express Ashdown, 6 Ashdown Road, Chandlers Ford, SO53 5RD The application is for the variation of the premises licence as follows: The variation proposes a change and extension to the hours the store can sell alcohol to the below as well as removing all Good Friday/Christmas day/New Year's Eve and embedded restrictions on the licence: Monday to Sunday 07:00-23:00 The relevant licensing authority is Eastleigh Borough Council, and the statutory register may be inspected at Eastleigh House, Upper Market Street, Eastleigh SO50 9YN or the Licensing Office at the Civic Centre, Southampton SO14 7LY between 09:00 and 12:00 or between 14:00 and 16:00, Mondays to Fridays, or online at
Any representations by an interested partyorarelevantauthoritymustbe made in writing to the Licensing Team, Southampton & Eastleigh Licensing Partnership, PO Box 1767! Southampton SO18 9LA so as to be received by them between the 07/03/2020 and 03/04/2020. Please note that it is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application and, on summary conviction for the offence, a person is liable to a fine not exceeding level five on the standard scale (currently £5000).
Dated: 7th March 2020