ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Water Resources Act 1991 (as amended by the
Notice ID: MF0525956
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Water Resources Act 1991 (as amended by the
Water Act 2003) Notice of application for one full and one transfer
licence to abstract (take) water. Tarmac Trading Limited has applied to the Environment Agency for a full licence and a transfer licence. The Environment Agency is giving notice of this application, in accordance with Section 37 of the Water Resources Act 1991 and Regulation 6 of the Water Resources (Abstraction and Impounding) Regulations 2006. The application for the full licence is to abstract water from a seepage lagoon fed by the river terrace sand and gravel deposits at National Grid Reference (NGR) SE 26188 95946 at Killerby Quarry, Killerby, North Yorkshire, DL7 0TR. The application is to abstract the following for the purpose of mineral washing:
? 332 cubic metres an hour ? 3,984 cubic metres a day
? 1,139,424 cubic metres a year ? All year
The application is also to abstract the following for the purpose of dust suppression:
? 1 cubic metre an hour ? 11 cubic metres a day
? 3,000 cubic metres a year ? All year.
The application for the transfer licence is to abstract from an excavation into the river terrace sand and gravel deposits within the area formed by the boundary between National Grid References (NGR's) SE 25245 96993, SE 27487 96996, SE 27510 95006 and SE 25249 94977 at Killerby Quarry, Killerby, North Yorkshire, DL7 0TR. All water will be transferred without intervening use to the seepage lagoon at NGR SE 26188 95946 or to a reach of the Fiddale Beck between NGR's SE 25501 96045 and SE 27303 96376. The application is to abstract water as follows:
? 1,084 cubic metres an hour ? 26,016 cubic metres a day
? 9,469,824 cubic metres a year ? All year
You can view the application and documents submitted with it at the Environment Agency: Teesdale House, Lingfield Way, Darlington, DL1 4GQ during normal office hours (Monday to Friday, except bank holidays). You can view a summary of the application from the Public Register at the Environment Agency, Lateral, 8 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9AT during normal office hours. Send any representations about these applications in writing, quoting the name of the applicant and Reference Number NPS/WR/031727 for the new full licence and NPS/WR/031723 for the new transfer licence to the Environment Agency, at Permitting and Support Centre, Water Resources Team, Quadrant 2,99 Parkway Avenue, Sheffield, S9 4WF or by email to PSC-WaterResources@
by 6th December 2019. For advice about how to make a representation call 03708 506 506.