Licensing Act 2003 Application for a Presses Licence
Notice ID: SWI1442577
Licensing Act 2003 Application for a Presses Licence
Name of Applicant: Salisbury's Supermarkets Ltd. Address: Salisbury's, Camp Road, Heyford Park, Upper Hayford, OX25 5HD. Licensing Authority: Cherwell District Council. Licensing Authority Address: Licensing Team
Cherwell District Council,
Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OXI5 4AA (where a
record of the application may be
inspected during normal office
hours). Licensing Authority Website:
applicant has applied to the LicensingAuthority for a premises
licence for the above premises for
the following licensable activities: The sale of alcohol between the
hours of 0600 and 2400 daily for consumption off the premises. Any person or response authority ^ defined by the Licensing Act 2003)
may make representations to the Licensing Authority no later than
27 November 2019. Any represen-
tations made to the Licensing
Authority must be in writing. It is an offence to knowingly or reckessly make a false statement in
connection with an application and
the maximum fne for which a person s l able on summary
conviction for the offence is an
unlimited fine.
Dated: 30 October 2019 Winckworth Sherwood LLP,
Minerva House, 5 Montague Close, London, SEI 9BB. Ref:AGS/26508/0I997/RPB. Solicitors and authorised agents for
the appl cant.