LEGAL NOTICES In the Dumbarton Sheriff Court
Notice ID: CB1026173
LEGAL NOTICES In the Dumbarton Sheriff Court
A petition at the instance of Sir Rory Malcolm Colquhoun has been presented in Dumbarton Sheriff Court seeking in terms of the Trusts (Scotland) Act 1921 to complete title to the property known as the Chapel Lands of Glenfruin. By warrant dated 19th August 2019 the Sheriff ordered advertisement of the petition once in the Helensburgh Advertiser and ordained all parties interested, if they intend to show cause why the prayer of the petition should not be granted, to lodge Answers thereto with the Sheriff Clerk at Dumbarton Sheriff Court, if so advised, within 21 days of such advertisement. Turcan Connell, Solicitors, Princes Exchange, Edinburgh, EH3 9EE, Agents for Petitioner.