Public Notice - Licensing Act 2003
Notice ID:Public Notice - Licensing Act 2003 An application has been made to Swindon Borough Council licensing Authority by Cotswold Water Park Society Limited for the variation of a Premises Licence at Riverside Park ,Inglesham, Wiltshire, GL7 3AG The application seeks the following variation in licensable activities for Lechlade Music Festival only: An increase in maximum attendance at one time at the event from 4999 to 9999 people (including performers, staff, volunteers etc.) Sale by Retail of Alcohol for consumption on the premises Sunday 10am - 11pm Friday and Saturday 10am - midnight within the marquee providing non amplified music. Late night refreshment Friday and Saturday 11pm - midnight within the marquee providing non amplified music Live music, recorded music, anything of a similar description and performance of dance Sunday 10am - 11pm The application can be viewed at the offices of the Licensing Authority at Wat Tyler House, Beckhampton Street, Swindon, SN1 2JH between 09.00hrs & 16.30hrs on weekdays Responsible Authorities (e'g' Police and Fire Brigade) and/or other persons (e.g. people/businesses living or working within the vicinity), can make representations at any time between 28th March 2015 - 25th April 2015. All represenations must be made in writing (including email or fax). It is an offence for anyone to recklessly or knowingly make a false statement in connection with a licensing application. The maximum fine on conviction is £5000.