Application for a Premises Licence Licensing Act 2003
Notice ID: SW4379342
Application for a Premises Licence Licensing Act 2003
Notice is hereby given that, we, Lidl Great Bri tai n Li mi ted have made an applicati on under Section 17 ol Part 3 ol the Licensing Act 2003 to Swndon Borough Council lor a Premises Licence lor Lidl Great Britain Limited, Unit D3 Orbital Shopping Park Thamesdown Drive Swndon SN25 4BG lor sale ol alcohol by retail lor consumption oll the premises during the hours 07:00-23:00 Monday to Sunday. The lull application may be inspected at the Ollices ol the Licensing Authority, Swindon Borough Council, Wat Tyler West Floor 5 Beckhampton Street Swndon SN1 2JH between the hours ol 09.00 hours and 1630 hours Monday to Friday. Responsible Authorities, and/or other persons (e.g. people/businesses living or working within the vicinity), can make representations at any time
between 05/06/2019 and 02/07/2019. All
representations must be made in writing [including e mail or lax], to the Licensing Manager, at the above address or by email to
. It is an ollence knowingly or recklessly to make a lalse statement in connection with an application; and the maximum line lor which a person is liable on summary conviction, is level 5 ol the standard scale. rssies